So lets begin with a simple question? Do
you remember the last time you had a stomach bug? The last time you had food
poisoning? Or the time where you could not stop vomiting? Maybe the time you
had the flu? Where you lacked energy unable to do anything? All of theses are
what patients with gastroparesis live with daily. It is like a stomach bug,
food poising or the flu that never goes away.
It is like all of a sudden your world is
turned upside down. Trips to A&E / ER in the middle of the night. The worst
part is when they don’t know what’s wrong with you. They tell you to go home
your fine but really you just deteriorate. Most of us are even told that it is
in our head like we are just imagining it; or worse that you might be anorexic
or bulimic. Like in my case I was told it is all in my head that I wanted to be
skinny sometimes till this day when I visit hospitals they suspect more like
they believe I have an eating disorder. Like my consultant has said even in the
most trained eye it can be misdiagnosed.
is Gastroparesis?
Gastroparesis is a digestive disorder in
which the motility of the stomach is absent or abnormal. As I’m sitting here in
the trampoline in my back garden I feel a pang of pain and nausea but I
continue to persevere like many of us with chronic illnesses do. Literally
translated Gastroparesis means “Stomach paralysis”.
Those who have gastroparesis the stomach
is unable to contract normally, so it cannot crush r propel the food into the
small intestine properly. However, when the stomach is working normally, in
healthy people, contraction occurs that help to crash food and then propel the pulverized food into
the small intestine where further digestion and absorption of nutrients occurs.
of gastroparesis include bloating, nausea, early fullness while eating meals,
heartburn, and epigastric pain. These symptoms are often referred to as
dyspepsia. Perhaps the most common symptom is early satiety, or the sensation
of feeling full shortly after starting a meal. Nausea and vomiting are also
common. A person with gastroparesis may regurgitate or vomit undigested food
many hours after their last meal. Weight loss can occur due to poor absorption
of nutrients, or taking in too few calories.
Early Satiety (Feeling full shortly after starting a meal)
Chronic Vomiting (Mainly of undigested food)
Lack of appetite
Abdominal pain
Abdominal bloating
Weight loss (without trying)
Weight gain
Erratic blood glucose levels (mainly in diabetes)
Gastric reflux
Spasms of the stomach wall
Chronic nausea
to eat (severe cases)
are many causes of gastroparesis. Diabetes is one of the most common causes for
gastroparesis. Other causes include infections, endocrine disorders like
hypothyroidism, connective tissue disorders like scleroderma, autoimmune
conditions, neuromuscular diseases, idiopathic (unknown) causes, psychological
conditions, eating disorders, certain cancers, radiation treatment applied over
the chest or abdomen, some chemotherapy agents, and surgery of the upper
intestinal tract.
surgery on the esophagus, stomach or duodenum may result in injury to the vagus
nerve which is responsible for many sensory and motor (muscle) responses of the
intestine. In health, the vagus nerve sends neurotransmitter impulses to the
smooth muscle of the stomach that result in contraction and forward propulsion
of gastric contents. If the vagus nerve is injured by trauma or during surgery
gastric emptying may be reduced. Symptoms of postoperative gastroparesis may
develop immediately, or months to years after a surgery is performed.
is important to realize that medications prescribed for a variety of conditions
may have side effects that cause gastric emptying to slow down. The most common
drugs that delay stomach emptying are narcotics and certain antidepressants.
Below is a list of more medications that may delay stomach emptying. If
possible, patients having dyspeptic symptoms, vomiting or early fullness should
discontinue the offending medications before undergoing any motility tests.
Fortunately, gastric emptying resumes and
symptoms improve when medications causing ‘pseudo-gastroparesis’ are stopped.
It is important to have the names of all your medications recorded and with you
when you see a physician for evaluation of gastrointestinal symptoms.
with eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa or bulimia may also develop
delayed gastric emptying. Gastric emptying may resume and symptoms improve when
food intake and eating schedules normalize.
associated wit impaired gastric emptying:
channel blockers
that cause slow emptying should typically be stopped, and reversible conditions
(example: hypothyroid) treated prior to testing.
A history of early satiety, bloating, nausea,
regurgitation or vomiting with meals would normally prompt an evaluation to
determine the cause of symptoms. Inflammation, ulcer disease, or obstruction by
a tumor can also cause these symptoms and diagnostic tests would be used to
determine the cause. Radiographic tests, endoscopic procedures, and motility
tests are used to exclude obstruction, to view the stomach lining and obtain
biopsies, and to examine muscle contraction patterns. These tests are described
Upper Endoscopy is a test that is
performed by inserting a thin flexible tube through the mouth into the stomach.
The endoscope has camera capabilities and allows the upper gastrointestinal
tract to be evaluated for ulcers, inflammation, infection, cancer, hernias or
other abnormalities. These conditions can cause symptoms similar to
gastroparesis. Upper endoscopy usually requires 10-15 minutes to complete.
Medication is usually administered intravenously immediately before the test
for comfort and sedation. If abnormal findings such as an ulcer or inflammation
are noted biopsies can be obtained. Fluid samples may be collected testing for
bacterial overgrowth.
Gastric Emptying Study is a widely available
nuclear medicine test that examines the rate of emptying of solid or liquid
material from the stomach. A delay in gastric emptying indicates a diagnosis of
gastroparesis. Subjects consume an egg and toast or oatmeal meal along with
milk or orange juice. The food portion contains a tiny amount of the
radioactive material (99m Tc), which is measured by a scanning technique as it
empties from the stomach. A longer test can examine if small intestine transit
is also affected.
Scintigraphic Gastric Accommodation is a test that
measures the volume of stomach contents before and after a meal, and how well
the stomach relaxes in response to food intake. This test uses a tiny amount of
radioactive material (99m Tc) which is selectively taken up by the lining of
the stomach, and indirectly measures the volume of the stomach. The subject
consumes a nutrient drink over 30 seconds. A scan of the stomach is taken
before and after the nutrient drink. The test indicates whether the stomach
relaxes appropriately when filled. Symptoms of poor stomach relaxation can be
identical to poor emptying, and this test can help distinguish the processes.
Scintigraphic gastric accommodation is not readily available.
Gastroduodenal manometry is a test that
measures how well the smooth muscle of the stomach and small intestine
contracts and relaxes. The test is performed by placing a thin tube into the
stomach usually with the aid of the endoscope. The tube is advanced into the
small intestine and over the next few hours the contractile responses while the
subject is fasting and eating are observed and recorded. The manometry catheter
provides information on how strong and how often the muscles of the stomach and
intestine contract and whether the stomach contractions are coordinated with
the contractions in the small bowel. Gastric duodenal manometry may be helpful
but is often not needed to make a diagnosis of gastroparesis. This test is not
widely available.
A Small Intestinal X-ray is a contrast
radiograph used to outline the anatomy of the small bowel. This study is not
generally needed to make a diagnosis of gastroparesis, but a blockage anywhere
in the small intestine will result in a back up of material and could account
for delayed gastric emptying. An obstruction in the small bowel may cause
symptoms similar to gastroparesis, but the treatment is different. Treatment
for intestinal obstruction is avoiding intake of any food or liquid until the
cause of obstruction such as inflammation resolves or surgery is performed to
remove the blockage.
Figure 3 |
Wireless capsule GI monitoring system
The wireless capsule monitoring system is a
non-digestible capsule that records pH, temperature and pressure changes as it
travels through the intestine (figure 3). The information from the
wireless capsule is transmitted to a receiver worn by the patient around their
waist. The information is used to determine how fast or slow the stomach
empties, and similarly how food and liquid move through the intestine. The
test is done in an outpatient setting, takes generally 3-6 hours and within
24-72 hours the pill is passed from the body. A potential advantage of the
wireless capsule system over conventional gastric emptying or scintigraphy
would be that the study could be done in the outpatient setting and would not
involve radiation, though the amount of radiation used in alternative tests is
very small and not considered harmful. Occasionally, if the capsule is not
passed within three days your doctor may request an abdominal x-ray to assure
it has left the body. Use of the wireless capsule monitoring system is not
recommended in patients who have had previous surgery to decrease the amount of
acid they are secreting, in patients who are unable to stop their antacid
medications for the study or in patients with narrowing of the bowel lumen.
Importance of Nutrition as
Treatment in Gastroparesis
Diet is one of the mainstays of
treatment for those who suffer from gastroparesis. Some foods are more
difficult than others for the stomach to digest. Fatty foods take a longer time
to digest, as do foods that are fibrous, like raw vegetables. People with
gastroparesis should reduce their intake of fiber or avoid these foods. Fiber
when eaten should be chewed well and cooked until soft. Food that is poorly
digested can collect in the stomach and form what is called a bezoar. This mass
of undigested matter may cause a blockage, preventing the stomach from emptying
and result in nausea and pain. In such a case, it may be necessary to use
endoscopic tools to break the bezoar apart and remove it. Fortunately, even when
stomach emptying is significantly impaired, thick and thin liquids (e.g.
pudding and nutrient drinks) are usually tolerated and can pass through the
stomach. Many people with gastroparesis can live a relatively normal life with
the aid of supplemental nutritional drinks, soft foods the consistency of
pudding and by pureeing solid food in a blender.
Figure 2 |
Figure 1 |
Feeding tubes placed in the small
intestine (jejunostomy) may be required if gastric paralysis is severe and a
person is unable to manage with a pureed or soft diet. These feeding tubes are
usually placed endoscopically or surgically through the skin and directly into
the small intestine (figure 1). Before such a feeding tube is placed, a
temporary nasal or oral jejunal feeding tube is usually tried for a few days to
make sure the individual can tolerate this form of feeding into the small
bowel. The temporary feeding tube is usually placed by guiding it through the
nose or mouth, down the esophagus or “food pipe”, through the stomach and
finally into the small intestine with the aid of an endoscope (figure 2).
Medications Prescribed for
At the present time there are few
medications available or are approved to treat gastroparesis and their use can
be limited by undesirable side effects and limited effectiveness. The
medications available include metoclopramide, domperidone, erythromycin and
Metoclopramide is a medication that acts on dopamine receptors in the stomach and
intestine as well as in the brain. This medication can stimulate contraction of
the stomach that leads to improvement in emptying. This medication also has the
effect of acting on the part of the brain responsible for controlling the
vomiting reflex and therefore may decrease the sensation of nausea and the urge
to vomit. Use of this medication is limited in some people due to the side
effects of dystonia, agitation and muscle twitching or “tardive dyskinesia”.
Metoclopramide can also cause restlessness, insomnia, depression, as well as
painful breast swelling and nipple discharge in both men and women. It is not
recommended that this medication be taken long term. It comes in tablet,
liquid, intravenous, as well as a new under-the-tongue disintegrating form.
Domperidone is another medication, similar to metoclopramide, that acts on dopamine
receptors. Domperidone does not have the side effect of tardive dyskenisia and
agitation that are seen with metoclopramide because it acts mostly on
peripheral receptors, rather than in the brain. Domperidone is not available in
the United States but is used in Mexico and Canada and in some European
countries. It is available in oral and suppository forms.
Erythromycin is a commonly used antibiotic that binds to receptors in the stomach
and small intestine called “motilin receptors”. Stimulation of motilin
receptors results in contraction and improved emptying of the stomach. The
beneficial effect of erythromycin can be short lived as individuals who use it
frequently have a high likelihood of developing tolerance to the medication. Perhaps
the best use of erythromycin is for acute worsening of symptoms or used on an
intermittent basis in order to reduce the potential for tolerance. It is
available in pill, liquid and intravenous forms.
Cisapride binds to serotonin receptors located in the wall of the stomach that
leads to contraction of stomach smooth muscle and improved gastric emptying. In
the late 1990’s cisapride was taken off the market due to complications of
cardiac arrhythmias in patients who were using this drug. It is once again
available but its use is restricted. Individuals with underlying kidney or
heart disease should not use cisapride.
Therapies Under Investigation for
Serotonin receptor agonists have been
used as treatment for other motility disorders and may offer some promise for
the treatment of gastroparesis. Acetylcholine esterase inhibitors have been
shown in some clinical trials to improve symptoms of dyspepsia. Ghrelin
agonists are motilin-related peptides that accelerate gastric emptying, small
intestine transit and improve postoperative ileus. Cholecystokinin receptor
antagonists have been shown to reverse slow gastric emptying caused by a high
fat meal. Many of these treatments are currently under investigation as
treatments for gastroparesis.
Surgery for Gastroparesis
Surgery for gastroparesis is reserved
for individuals with severe and refractory symptoms, intolerance to therapy, or
malnutrition related to the condition. Venting tubes placed into the stomach
may reduce symptoms and hospitalizations for individuals with recurrent
vomiting and dehydration. Varieties of tubes, including button gastrostomy
tubes and percutaneous gastrostomy tubes are available to vent trapped air from
within the poorly contracting stomach. A dual channel gastrostomy tube allows
both gastric venting and nutritional supplementation delivered into the small
intestine. A percutaneous jejunostomy tube is used for nutritional
supplementation. In some cases the lower part of the stomach is stapled or
bypassed and the small intestine reattached to the remaining stomach to improve
emptying of stomach contents. Rarely the stomach is completely removed.
Figure 4 |
Electrical Gastric Stimulation
An area generating a great deal of
interest and research is the use of electrical stimulation to enhance
gastrointestinal contractile activity. This technique uses electrodes that are
surgically or endoscopically attached to the stomach wall and when stimulated,
trigger stomach contractions (figure 4). While gastric electrical stimulation
does not lead to a significant improvement in gastric emptying, in the subgroup
of patients with nausea and vomiting as their main symptoms, this treatment may
provide relief of symptoms. How the device works is not well understood at this
point, but it is thought that it has its effect on the nerves that control
sensation within the stomach wall. Several studies have shown patients have a
better quality of life and spend less time in the hospital for gastroparesis
symptoms after the placement of the electrical stimulator.
American College of
Gastroentrology (2014):
[Accessed August 2014]
Hopkins (2012) [Accessed August 2014]
Jean Fox, MD and Amy
Foxx-Orenstein, DO, FACG, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, and Scottsdale, AZ – Published August 2004. Updated November 2008. Updated December 2012.
King, J. E. (2006). What is
gastroparesis?. Nursing2013, 36(9), 18.
Koch KL. Gastric neuromuscular function and
neuromuscular disorders. In: Feldman M, Friedman LS, Brandt LJ, eds. Sleisenger
and Fordtran's Gastrointestinal and Liver Disease. 9th ed. Philadelphia,
Pa: Saunders Elsevier;2010:chap 48.
wow that is amazing hope you and others get better,
ReplyDeletep.s. great blog.
Thank you for putting this out there. I wish someone had told me about gastroparesis when I was diagnosed with diabetes, or any time after that. If my doctors had known and told me the symptoms, I wouldn't have spent over a year searching for an answer.
ReplyDeleteYour most welcome! I hope it has helped you. I know how you feel, I spent first year searching for diagnoses while stuck in hospital. I felt like a Guinea pig being tested every day. I hope and pray that you feel better! Feel free to message me if you want to talk x
DeleteThank you for posting this. I wish my doctors and healthcare providers were aware of gastroparesis and shared the information with their diabetic patients. If they had been, I may have recognized the symptoms and not spent over a year searching for an answer while suffering.
ReplyDeleteI have been diagnosed with leaky gut syndrome & I have thyroids disease ; I have several things going on as well ; do you believe I could ever be better ? My autoimmune system is sooo sick.
ReplyDeleteDo i believe if you could ever get better. That I can't promise but you have to have hope and faith because without that life is difficult and hard to carry on. I ask that question of myself almost everyday but when I look at my parent, sibling I say to myself I have to live I have to fight on for them. So i say keep your hope! I'm always here if you want to talk xxx
DeleteI have been diagnosed with leaky gut syndrome & I have thyroids disease ; I have several things going on as well ; do you believe I could ever be better ? My autoimmune system is sooo sick.