It's been so long since I last was on here. I miss it. I haven't had time first being so ill and always tiered and sleeping and aching. I've had so much done and have so much to do!
First of all, Great News!!! Dr Kadirkamanathan in essex Broomfield Hospital has agreed to do the pacemaker for me! He will be filling the forums for the funding from the PTC in my borough. Previous to this I had done the impedance study which the results showed that I have developed rumination syndrome overtime. I will need behaviour therapy for it. I will need train my stomach to stop vomiting and that whatever I have init is not something bad all the time it doesn't need to get rid of it most of the time. I also went to see professor Aziz at Barts Hospital they both will have a meeting about me with their team to discuss my case. They have both said that I'm a very in-fact an extremely complex case! Yp! Unfortunately!
Sorry I have been so white lately I have a lot of exams coming up and am very stressed about it as I missed a whole month and a half of school.
Thank you for all the good luck wishes, without you guys this would have been a very terrible Fight to fight on.
Thank you xxxxx <3